Medical Spa

Platelet Rich Plasma

1 hour

What is PRP, and why is it so effective?

Over the past several years, platelet-rich plasma has earned acclaim throughout the cosmetic industry due to its impressive restorative capabilities. From aiding in some of the world’s most effective hair loss reversal treatments to creating firmer and more resilient skin, this naturally-derived solution is worth considering. It reduces the turnover rate for new skin cells so that the dermis constantly refreshes and renews itself, just like it did when the body was younger.

PRP consists of plasma, the liquid portion of blood, and platelets, a type of blood cell that plays a vital role in every one of the growth hormones for triggering increased collagen production. It triggers cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration or healing in the treated area and also promotes better cell differentiation, promoting brighter and more vibrant skin overall. PRP treatment can provide impressive benefits for a dull, tired complexion caused by overwork, physical and emotional stress, and everyday wear and tear.  

Why Is Collagen So Important?

Collagen is a protein like a latticework in your skin that provides structure in the different layers of your skin. Additionally, this protein makes up your nails and hair.

When the collagen breaks down in your skin, you develop lines and wrinkles. Typically, your collagen production will begin to slow down around the age of 25. After that, you’ll see more fine lines and wrinkles on your skin. For women, after they go through menopause, their natural collagen production slows down even more.

How is Platelet-Rich-Plasma sourced?

Using blood or blood-derived products to restore your skin’s health and former vitality may make you feel odd. However, PRP treatment for smoother skin always uses platelet-rich plasma obtained from the patient’s blood. This procedure eliminates several obvious health risks while making consumers feel much more comfortable pursuing this treatment.

Is PRP Safe?

Patient safety and hygiene are paramount during PRP treatments. We adhere to strict sterilization protocols to prevent any risk of infection or contamination. Equipment, tools, and surfaces are thoroughly sanitized before each procedure. Additionally, since the procedure involves drawing the patient’s blood, proper handling, storage, and processing are essential to prevent any complications. By following meticulous sterilization and safety procedures, we ensure you a safe treatment experience. 

Harness and amplify the body’s natural growth factors which enhance healing functions to improve texture and tone, reduce wrinkles, and encourage new collagen growth.

  • PRP injections for HAIR LOSS:
    • PRP may stimulate hair growth and thickness and density, as well as protect hair follicles from prematurely shedding. PRP may trigger hair growth by increasing blood supply to the hair follicles.
  • PRP with Microneedling (Vampire Facial):
    • is an extremely popular anti-aging treatment. It uses your own blood to promote collagen production and trigger growth factors leaving skin looking younger, smoother, and overall healthier. Think of PRP as an add-on to microneedling. When combined with PRP treatment, microneedling helps enhance the absorption of platelet-rich plasma, promoting greater rejuvenation and healing. 


Topical addition to microneedling (Skin Pen) or Morpheus/ Secret RF: $250              

Series of 3 injected treatments: $1200 ($400 per treatment)

Single treatment: $450

Book your free consultation 720-557-0548

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